Acid attacks

Atoofa Zaeem
Why are we protesting against female feticide? Do we really want girls to live in this beautiful hell? The world of humans is turning into the world of wolves with human faces. The only difference is they eat, drink and live in four walls of their houses rather than the bushy caves and they target only the women folk. The violence against women is turning worst day by day. Be it the domestic violence that has been continued through ages or rapes that makes you believe the reality that yes, men are stronger than women; they can ruin their whole life. And now the new trend of revenge is taking place in form of brutal “Acid attacks”.

The easiest way to take your revenge is to buy the acid bottle in the nearby market which is effortlessly available and just wash away all your anger against the girl. This is the thinking of so called superior men.

How pathetic and how shameful? What superiority are some men talking about? They are the real cowards who can’t compete with a girl and that is why they have to do such dangerous and shameful things. And it is not India that is always on the top list of any crime but this crime is seen in every part of the world. From Haseena Hussain of Bangalore to Moshe Hirsch of Jerusalem, from Fakhra younus of Pakistan to Rukaiya Jan of Kashmir. And the list goes on, some are noticed and some goes unnoticed.
And still we think girls are safe in this modern world. Big and beautifully designed pamphlets of ‘SAVE GIRL CHILD’ will not save girls in real sense. Those who don’t want baby girls will still do the crime of feticide, they won’t bring it to notice to the public that they are doing this crime. But think about those girls who are already born, who are brought up very tenderly by their parents who wish for her future when she is still in the cradle.
The acid should not be easily available in the market. There should be a license for selling this life ruining potion and should be sold on a prescription only. The Government should make as much tough laws against the acid attack criminals as possible so that the soul of anybody should shiver before committing such crimes. And people should force Government to do so. Then only we have the actual right to say ‘SAVE GIRL CHILD”.