Yasmeen Khan; Efficient Administrator
Director SKICC Yasmeen Khan is among the vibrant women of our part of the world. Pertinently, exuberance and superb dynamism and talent displayed by her in serving the prestigious SK International Conference Centre and helping it in making an ‘Ideal Conference Venue in India’ saw her achieving the laurel of leading this prestigious institution recently.
Yasmeen Khan is an epitome of administrative skills .Her past more than two dedicated decades with SKICC have proved a great boon in making SKICC a world class institute with world class facilities .
Yasmeen Khan believes that untiring dedication, education, facing the challenges is key to success for a human. Yasmeen Khan states “No doubt women in our part of the world have to still undertake a long stride to achieve desired status but if we make efforts and face challenges boldly than nothing is impossible.”
Although, Yasmeen Khan believes that the current condition of women on global level is still far from being satisfactory as majority of women are still facing burning problems .
Yasmeen Khan also believes that a revolution is needed to change the mindset so that horrible crimes against women come to end.
Born in a traditional conservative family of Srinagar, Kashmir Yasmeen Khan is a shining example for other women to achieve something really big in their respective careers.
Raja Nighat Aman; Capable Police Officer
Raja Nighat Aman, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), who has a decade-and-half of policing career to her credit is yet another bright example of what a women can achieve through her caliber and talent. Pertinently, Nighat had dreams of becoming Doctor but joined police department to fulfill the dream of his father who wanted her daughter to be a police officer.
In her about two decade long career, she has done a great job and has been in VIP security teams a number of times. Nightat believes that education, courage to face difficult times, studying and knowing about the world is important to achieve success. “Women should keenly study about the world around them and keep themselves updated in order to achieve success .Failures and hurdles should be faced with a large heart by women in order to be successful in life,” states Nighat Aman.
Nighat states that women who hold important positions should make untiring efforts to end crimes against women and do their level best to achieve gender justice.
Nusrat Jahan Ara ; Prolific Entrepreneur
Nusrat Jahan Ara is yet another successful persona and a perfect example of a “Beauty with Brains” .Nusrat, a graduate from Dadoora, District Pulwama is a successful entrepreneur of the valley. She started cut flower business in 2000 with literally no financial support and today, she is regarded as a founder of cut flower industry in the state. She always dreamt to start her own venture, hence took a bold decision to quit pensionable government job to become the first woman entrepreneur in floriculture from the state, and this is how ‘Petals and Ferns’ came into existence.
Nusrat states – “If a girl goes out of her home for studies, it is somewhat a daily routine, but if a girl goes out for her home to run a business, the first step is to make the people understand what business she is doing; have to make them understand what an entrepreneur is.
But i would say since last 11 years many things had drastically changed. Now people are more educated towards the things. I remember i was doing a government job and i left it to start my own business. studies are very important. If you get a job in which you are satisfied then move on with it and if you don’t get a job, you should not feel low, this is not the end i would say. Kashmir is a place which is full of resources and women have the talent to utilize it to achieve greater heights in the field of business or whatever field they will opt.”
Yasmeen Khan is an epitome of administrative skills .Her past more than two dedicated decades with SKICC have proved a great boon in making SKICC a world class institute with world class facilities .
Nighat states that women who hold important positions should make untiring efforts to end crimes against women and do their level best to achieve gender justice.
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