
Shreen Hamdani

Above all religions, humanity is at top hierarchy but if we introspect within ourselves, every one of us lives for oneself and mostly for petty materialistic gains.

We think and act to make ourselves secure, sound and happy but we forget about other’s security, comfort and happiness. We forget that ‘to serve humankind is to serve God’. In contemporary society humanity is extinction in many ways; some NGO’s in name of sacred concept of humanity are indulged in commercial business of making money from different corners and some are engulfing hefty amounts on the name of scholarships and schemes. No one cares about any other human being, unless he has any appetite about that person. If he/she can do a favor only then that person is worth to interact with you.
We are witnessing gang rapes, cold blooded murders, innocent killings, child labor, suppression, draconian laws, stalking, eve-teasing and countless inhumane activities since long time. Pertinently, we can watch all the mishaps going around as mute spectators and can’t change the whole society or nation due to imbibing in and accepting it as humans. We fail to understand that humanity is about love and compassion in high esteem and kindness in all walks of life. It is all about using heart along minds in all the endeavors of life. Humanity spreads across the roads we travel, places we reside and people we meet. Our Prophet (PBUH) has incredible experience with people, their lives not only in Makah, Medina but also across all gulf regions. His (PBUH) communication, behavior and connection with people were so splendid that the whole world can visualize the love, care and humanity within his pious character.
However, in contrast today our life and time is betrothed with full of distress, commotions, gluttony and distrust. Despite of becoming so-called tech savvy and trying to learn intricacies of human race and development, we humans are vanished with the wave of so called new advancements. Due to cultural incursions we like to spend our most of time on social networking sites, computers, televisions, internet, and mobile phones instead of spending time with our fellow humans or intimate one’s.
Above all, Narration of stunning experience can decide whether humanity still exists or not.
Once a little boy, studying in 7th standard from downtown area of Srinagar was busy in playing video games on his father’s laptop at the time of dusk. While playing, sound of someone’s crying went through his eardrum, although he stopped but after few minutes he continued to press the functions keys of keyboard. The sound again stroke his mind, he ignored and continued to play. For the third time he went outside to investigate and found a little puppy drowned in the sanitation drain which passed by their compound side and this puppy was crying for his mother. He looked here and there to help and let this puppy to come out of this trouble. Somehow he mustered his courage and brought up the helpless creature with a shovel in his compound. A pup was all covered with black layer of filth and was striving for his breath.
Now a little boy confused what to do next, his father called him to enter back home as it was all dark outside. The boy recklessly ignored his father’s call and started to kick slowly this puppy’s belly to let water come out from his body as pup was sinking its beats and skipping its breathes. In the meanwhile process puppy stood up on his own legs and moved with ill shape but the little boy smiled and was happy to save puppy’s life.
This implies that humanity is constantly reinventing itself. It is the innocence of this little boy who is far away from the hatred of dichotomist people and did what his heart voiced!

It well quoted by Gandhi ji that, “I believe in absolute oneness of God and, therefore, also of humanity. What though we have many bodies? We have but one soul. The rays of the sun are many through refraction. But they have the same source. It comprehends the whole of humanity. Its realization would thus mean the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.”
If one cannot find peace anywhere is because they are not wholeheartedly with each other. All humans are one and only one, regardless of caste, creed, religion and race. This oneness would bring the world full of peace and harmony. The future of humanity lies in unison.