Weaving a Tapestry of Peace

Writes Ymani Simmons

Many would say that an outsider can have no true knowledge or understanding of the inner goings-on of another group, society, culture or nation. I would have to agree with that statement on the surface. But when we look more closely at the nations within the different boundaries and borders, we see the individuals that comprise the whole with their similarities, likenesses, common issues and goals. There is a common thread that weaves throughout this tapestry of humanity, a thread of common purpose and sentiment.
The world is fraught with chaos and confusion. Violence spreads like wildfire across the globe leaving many casualties and much suffering in its wake. Some feel there is more turmoil now than ever before, others maintain this is only an illusion; that we are more aware because of the internet giving immediate access to more information through social networks. Conflict, uprisings, civil wars, invasions, occupations, changes in regimes through Violent upheaval or at the election polls remind us of our similar needs and desires as humans. We are all part of something much greater than any of us individually can ever imagine. We are part of a global family, a global mindset, a global consciousness that appears to be awakening with that common goal and purpose. I believe part of that purpose is the quest for peace.
But what is peace? Does it look the same to all humans? Does it have the same Characteristics? Is it achieved in the same way? Does it bring the same solutions? Is Peace even possible?
It has been said by many, far wiser than I, that there is no path to peace, peace is the path. A simplistic and idealistic statement by anyone’s standards, but the truth that is revealed through those words carries a powerful message and formula of action. The purported peace sought by nations and governments will only be achieved through the arduous task of individuals shedding their personal cloaks of deceit, greed, bias and prejudice over others. We are a combined culture of wounded citizenry, weakened by our violent process and left with a habitual choice of reactive conduct in place of reflective response and redemptive, rather than restorative, justice. The catalyst for current behavior is fear and fear breeds contempt, separation, mistrust, disrespect, dehumanization and abuse.

When I view the world around me, I see much that needs to be changed. When I look at the youth around me, I see those who will be affecting that change and the youth of Kashmir are no exception. There is a voice that is rising across the earth, a voice that cries with determination and solidarity for peace, freedom, justice and equal rights for all.

This voice is driven by a will to live and thrive, not just survive. This voice speaks directly to the violent disruption of harmony and tranquillity and urges a new thought, a new method, a new opportunity, a new declaration of unity and transformation into a just and peaceful society. The governments of most nations stand in the way of this global movement for peaceful reconciliation. They risk much, for once this change begins its motion forward, and there will be no stopping it. There will be no going back to the way things were. There will be no business as usual with the elite and powerful clamouring to the top on the backs of the many who labour and languish. But the one fact that many overlook is that the governments are largely comprised of ordinary people. These ordinary people are just as affected by the injustice. These ordinary people live in fear of reprisal and need educating, nurturing and guidance. There are a handful who sit at the top of the ladder while those below provide the rungs necessary to achieve bureaucratic success. It is these ordinary individuals who will need to shift their consciousness and join the efforts of the many to work for justice, equality and freedom. That will be done person-to person. Although a familiar reality in Kashmir for decades, there has been a recent systematic and uniform campaign worldwide for militarization. We are seeing its lasting realizations as we watch global uprisings met with brutal militaristic procedures and tactics. What these forces did not consider was a unified response of nonviolence. The script has been changed from reacting to violence with violence to responding to violence with nonviolence. These critical and crucial interjections serve a higher purpose. They raise the bar from dehumanization of those who are different, to recognition of another who is similar. A new script is written and those reciting it set a new example for the next generations to follow.
Again, this has a very simplistic tone, but in reality takes time, effort, discipline,Compassion, understanding and relentless dedication to shift and morph into a new Paradigm. I see this in the youth of the world today and Kashmir is no exception. There is a new season emerging in Kashmir……a season of creativity being expressed through youth groups focused on addressing the daily issues that face the people of Kashmir. All of these creations speak to the spirit and deep convictions of the youth of Kashmir who seek the jewels of life, not the crumbs. The most powerful tool in the Kashmir toolbox is her youth who are already making the necessary changes within themselves. They have found their voices and are proud and impassioned to harmonize in a song of hope vs. despair; nonviolence vs. violence; compassion vs. separation; understanding vs. injustice. I believe the prospects for peace in the valley are strong and promising and I remain eternally grateful to be able to observe this reclamation and call so many of these youth, my friend.
The thread that is designed and fabricated from the strength, vitality, intellect, creativity, sensitivity and commitment of the youth of Kashmir will emerge and consolidate with the other threads being birthed elsewhere and one day the world will know the prospects of peace.
Ymani Simmons is an author, peacemaker, activist for peace, justice and human rights, nonviolence training facilitator, international consultant and artist. She resides in the mountains of western North Carolina, USA.