Drug exploitation

Arusha Farooq
Journalism student, IUST

How shall I address you?
As an abuse or a curse
only a slight touch
Ruins one to worse

With the extension of medical facilities, the importance of quality health care has become more relevant. In medical terminology, a drug refers to any chemical substance which affects bodily functions, mood, perception or consciousness which has potential for musical and may be harmful to the individual and the society.
Drug exploitation or drug abuse is the misuse of drugs resulting into physiological harm. Drug addiction has become a common malady in today’s generation. They believe that drug is a helping hand to them but in reality it’s an evil behind them. The root of this exploitation begins at depression which may or may not be caused by breaking of pre-mature relationship. A vital role is played by today’s cinema. There was a time in cinema when an actor used to wear bell bottom jeans and that would become the trend but today it’s full with negativity. Every actor/actress is portrayed on screen with a cigarette, a vine of glass, a bear crusher in hand. For them it implies adding grace to their attitude. As a result everyone is following it, including kids. They (youth) are literally moving around in an intoxicated daze. Immature behavior is then amplified due to being under the influence.
Drunk driving, poor performance in their academics, poor attendance, anti-social and violent behavior and the list goes on