Corruption or Salary in Kashmir

writes Malik Sameed

If a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are three key societal members who can make a difference. They are the father, the mother and the teacher——–Abdul Kalam

The menace of ‘Corruption’ is becoming epidemic all over world and is major issue that adversely affects the society and dynamism of youth. Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power and eventually it hurts everyone whose crucial works depend upon integrity of people in a position of authority. From middle school to district administration maximum employees are not happy with their own salary and want spare to live joyful life and to get more they likely resort to corruption. . In today fast changing world the menace of corruption is mounting day by day without any interference of anyone and as result country is going backward day by day. Almost in every division of government from third class employee to gazetted officer almost majority are making corruptions without any fear of God.
The world has in its fold different countries, one of them India which is well known for corruption all over the world. From India there is a state located on north which is on the second number in corruption ranking among Indian states and that is Jammu & Kashmir and also known as Heaven (Jannat) on account of its gorgeous natural beauty but unfortunately some people have made it corrupt part of world and have taken undue and unlawful advantage of its beauty. One side corruption makes one family happy but on their side a family hasn’t a single house to live and to eat. In our part of the world, the menace of corruption is also the main reason of poverty and unemployment, the life of the people has as a result turned to be tough and crucial even they prefer to die because of poverty, they know that in this corrupt system they can’t run their family, they can’t give required happiness to their growing children’s.
In the education world of in Kashmir I have personally seen that a section of students prefer to pay money for passing the examination, so degree is vending in market at very low price and this is our Kashmir .Another sub-division is our Regional transport office (RTO) huge corruption occur their as they give driving license without any driving test and take money from this fraudulent process and on account of this accidents happen day by day and we lose precious life. Corruption takes unique place in maximum hearts of employees or business men and has almost became a routine job.
It is known fact that corruption increases the cost of business through the price of illicit payment themselves. As I have seen in my personal level the police department has main role in corruption, the police is for our safety but on account of huge corrupt practices has become a hazard for public. Masses also prefer to give money to income tax officer rather than pay tax while if the income tax officer is corrupt then most of them have literally no tension . As per we see the corruption is moving forward very fast I think we will be ranked on first number very soon.
Corruption is the way to get big houses and cars, but at last we have to die and we will not carry these things with us except ourselves and what we have done in our life but unfortunately many people forget sanity while taking corrupt money, In Islam taking illegal money is forbidden and should be punished on Judgment day. The message of this article is stop corruption and think about day of judgment.

The author is student of Punjab technical university for feedback contact freely on:
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