Qamar Ali Akhoon , MLA from Kargil and the Minister for Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Department (CA&PDD) and Transport, considered by political pundits among one of the prominent faces of ruling National Conference in the Ladakh region.
In an Exclusive Interview with “The Kashmir Scenario”,Qamar Ali Akhoon talks with Shahzad Hussain Hamdani.
Many sources who have been highlighting that the CAPD godowns particularly one in Gulab-bagh is presently facing a shortage of Worth crores. What is your take on this issue?
Wherever the point of shortage in any godowns comes to our knowledge, we immediately take, not only notice of it but also proceed inquiry by constituting an inquiry committee and if we find any person/official guilty of non-performance of his duties, accordingly we initiate an action against him
As you said that action is always taken against the guilty, we have also come to know that there are many officials within the Department and many members of the union against whom criminal cases are initiated. What is the Government action against such people involved in criminal Cases?
See! If any case is initiated by the crime branch then it is they who have to dealt with the case, but as far as our action is concerned we surely as i said before do initiate an inquiry committee to look into the allegations levelled against the said persons, but at the end it is the crime branch or where ever the case is registered who have to proceed with the case.
For a quite long time the issue of use of domestic gas cylinder being used in Vehicles which many a times took an ugly turn and many incidents of explosion have been reported from north to south Kashmir. Why is the government a bit reluctant towards this grave issue?
Whenever we come across to any such issue we surely take action against it. We have also directed the concerned Traffic and police administration to take a strict note of the things and also to take action against the guilty. As afar we go we have already taken up the matter and all the things from our side are complete. I would also like to mention that the concerned ADC’s have also been informed about this issue and every department whether it is the Suppliers or the Traffic police, everyone has been directed to strictly check the misuse of the Domestic Gas Cylinders; but above all the people should themselves have the civic sense because Ibelieve that civic sense among the people is an important thing and unless and until we do not learn the civic sense these negative things would recur.
In comparison to Delhi and other metropolitan areas which have got a number of LPG filling stations,Kashmir is still lacking behind and the state doesn’t have a single LPG Filling Station. Why the Government is slow towards the establishment of LPG Stations?
We have already sanctioned the proposal of LPG filling station in Jammu as well as in Kashmir. As far as the location is concerned we are still finalizing it. Infact we have already taken up some places in our proposal like Bijbehara area and also an area in Reasi and after the finalization the work will start.
As far as you have mentioned that some areas have been identified in Kashmir as well as in Jammu, the statement from IOC is opposite to it. They have stated that the State government may have identified the Land but no such information has been conveyed to the concerned IOC. Is there a communication gap between the two?
Well in case of identification of Land for the LPG filling stations or any work which is given to the State government, we have always been doing it at our best and i don’t think that the state government is going with a slow pace.
Since you also represent as a representative from Kargil, many a times questions have been raised from different sections of the society and particularly from the opposition parties that somewhere Kargil has been neglected when it comes to the development part and especially when compared to Leh. So do you somewhere agree with this point of issue?
See there are two districts namely Kargil and Leh. There was a time when the district of Leh was the main headquarter and was the main office of planning. So if you have a District headquarter in Leh, you can make out that somewhere preference will be tended more towards Leh. Now the present Local Government in the two districts are doing well towards the development.
If you see the present Kargil in comparison to 5-8 years back, a lot of development has taken place. And i think you should have a visit to Kargil and you can yourself see the ground Development which has taken place and inshallah there will be more such development in future too.
What is being done to curtail the wings of certain self-styled leaders in CAPD Unions?
I don’t think so that there are any self-styled leaders in CAPD union. As far as unions are concerned, you will find unions in every department may it be transport or in CAPD. But i don’t think that any member of the Union is trying to politicize or there is any such wing of self-styled leaders.
What is your message to the people of Jammu & Kashmir?
Surely, Iwant to send a message to the people that everyone should built an honest character may it be an employee or person of working class or even the household people. Also everyone should be truthful and should not indulge in falsehood. This is the role which every person should adopt in his/her life and this way we can move forward for the betterment of the society at large and particularly for our own betterment in life.
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