Journalism student
A bag stuffed with books rest on their tender shoulders. They are not allowed to enjoy the company of toys; rather these kids are compelled to be friends with books.
This is the description of today’s children, who is cumbered by the heavy loads of books. The schedule of studying is so rigid for them, that they don’t get time to play. First there is classwork then homework and amidst all this work, they losing their childhood. This is the age where they can make a montage of memories, and flip through it in their adulthood. But their hectic work doesn’t allow them to do so.
After the exhaustive hours of school, their parents send them for tuition classes, and a majority of them also go “Darisghas” to learn Qura’an. They have become the “busy bees”. They mug up notes all day at school and back home they have to repeat the same. For in this era of competition every parent wants their kid to be first.
And this concept of making children a work horse at this tender age creates a psychological problem in them. They become more violent, aggressive, and feel that they don’t get their share of freedom.
The onus for all this chaotic lifestyle should be put on the educational system which has dire need of reformation. The messy set up of education is responsive for making the tender beings a robot, who after spending an exhaustive day at school, is saddled with other home arrangements as well.
The education system should be molded so that the students won’t suffer from mental fatigue.
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