Says Supreme Court Judgment on Triple Talak is interference in religious affairs
New Delhi 22 Aug.: Appealing India and Pakistan to take the concerns of US president Donald Trump seriously, AIP Supremo and MLA Langate Er. Rasheed has said that Trump’s message needs to be analyzed very keenly to understand the volatile situation in the whole sub-continent.
In a statement issued today Er. Rasheed while reacting to Donald Trump’s New Afghan policy and his presentation on overall scenario in the sub-continent said that Trump has made some important confessions, revelations and warnings pertaining to the tense situation in South Asia.
He said “Donald Trump’s confession that US cannot withdraw from Afghanistan in haste has proved that 16 year long military operations in Afghanistan have not yielded the desired results. Similarly while he has expressed his desire to work together with New Delhi but at the same time has warned of a terrible war between India and Pakistan. Donald Trump’s words should be taken seriously as he has been truthful in narrating few things and both India and Pakistan must resolve their differences in the larger interest of people of the sub-continent. Without finding an everlasting resolution to the Kashmir dispute both countries will achieve nothing except getting indulged in blame game”.
Er. Rasheed said that it is important to understand that Donald trump has pledged to take care of his own people rather getting involved in affairs of other countries. Er. Rasheed said “Both New Delhi and Islamabad must understand that if Donald Trump is not sure of his success in Afghanistan even after sixteen long years, how these two nuclear powers can resolve things by confrontation.
However people of J&K would like Americans to play a constructive role in persuading New Delhi for agreeing to give Right to Self Determination to Kashmiris, as the only road to peace in the sub-continent leads through resolving Kashmir dispute”. Er. Rasheed also expressed his deep concern over the Supreme Court Judgment on Triple Talak and said that matters pertaining to any religion should not be dragged in the court of law.
He said “Muslim Ummah is wise enough to understand its duties towards their own people including women. Supreme Court could hardly make observations over such sensitive issues, but declaring Triple Talak null and void by no means is the job of the Supreme Court or any other institution.
Practicing Islamic laws is the fundamental right of every Muslim like other citizens of India. No doubt one cannot rule out misuse of Triple Talak, but it doesn’t mean that any individual, Govt. Or institution should pass a judgment and declare Triple Talak or something else null and void, just for the reason they believe it is being misused”.
He appealed the Muslim leaders, scholars and politicians to develop a consensus over this vital issue, so that Islam is not defamed and dragged unnecessarily in controversies.(GNS)

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