Pictures of the horrific Peshawar attack that will make you cry!



1111_capture2Islamabad: Pakistan woke up to a day of mourning as they bury its dead after Taliban militants killed 132 students at Army Public School.

The deadly attack was one of the worst terrolrist attacks in the recent history of Pakistan. Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was retribution for the military’s operation in North Waziristan

The attack is itself is an irony as the word ‘Taliban’ comes from an Arabic word ‘talib’ which means student.
This incident has shocked the world and people across the country lit candles and staged overnight vigils as Pakistan prepared for mass funerals.

We bring you some pictures of the deadly nine-hour siege at the school that will leave you in tears. From books covered with blood to grieving parents, here are 10 heart wrenching pictures…