Hurriyat (G) chairman Syed Ali Geelani on Wednesday dubbed as “apologetic policy and appeasement of India” the recommendations of the Pakistan parliamentary panel advising the government against encouraging militant groups in Kashmir.
In a statement issued here today, Geelani cautioned that the policy is akin to what America did in Afghanistan.
“America at first projected the Afghan and Arab youths as Mujahideens and used them against the Soviet Union and when he finished his work, the same Mujahideens of yesterday were slapped with terrorist labels and were dragged to Gantanamo (Bay) and Abu (Gharaib) prisons (sic),” said Geelani.
Calling the recommendations as “unfair and unjustified”, the octogenarian leader said the groups busy in the freedom struggle of Kashmir have nothing to do with the terrorism. “… but they are struggling for the just and genuine demand of right to self determination for their nation and this factor was present in every freedom movement of the world including the freedom struggle of India.”
He said that the Kashmiri youths didn’t opt for the armed struggle out of any amusement or fun. “… but it is the rigid and stubborn policy of India with regarding to the Kashmir issue which has given birth to this situation and due to which the precious human lives in Jammu & Kashmir are losing continuously.”
The recommendations of the Parliamentary Panel headed by member parliament Awais Ahmad Leghari, Geelani said, depicted an apologetic policy. “… and it can’t be named more than this that it is an attempt to appease India.”
Geelani, however, hoped that Pakistan will not turn its eyes away from the Kashmiris. “… and they will continue to support them on political, diplomatic and moral levels.”
Advising the rulers of Pakistan against any hasty decision, Geelani said they should try to convince the world that the Kashmir struggle has nothing to do with the global terrorism.
“Kashmir is a human, political and indigenous nature of issue and the people of this region are struggling for their birth and basic right that is right to self determination,” he said.
Kashmiris, he said, are peace-loving people and that they have used peaceful means to continue their struggle for 40 years. “… and with the beginning of 21st century in 2008 and 2010, the Kashmiri people came out in lakhs on roads to show their inner and tried to attract the attention of the international community towards their sufferings.”
The youths of Kashmir picked up gun only due to the rigid and stubborn approach of Indian government, said Geelani.
“India never recognized the peaceful struggle of the Kashmiri people and always used its military might to suppress this struggle. Thousands of innocent Kashmiris have been killed just for demanding the fulfillment of those promises, which India had made with the people of Kashmir on national and international levels and of which its leadership later backtracked,” he said.
“If the world community will take serious steps in resolving the Kashmir issue and will provide Kashmiris a chance to decide their future, every Kashmiri whether he is individual or group, political or armed, everybody will cooperate in every respect in that peaceful process and will not violate the action plan which will be agreed upon between India, Pakistan, world community and the Kashmiris.”
courtesy: G.K
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