People like Geelani are political thugs: Khaild Jehangir

Srinagar | Apr 03 : Bharatiya Janata Party on Sunday said raising pro-India slogans is a fundamental right of every Indian citizen and no one can stop any citizen from hoisting the tricolor and raising the pro-India slogans in Kashmir as Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India.
Reacting to the statement of Hurriyat Conference (G) Chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani the students from other states who are studying here should keep in mind that Kashmir is not Delhi or any other Indian state, the BJP spokesman Khalid Jehangir in a statement here said, “Separatists, including Geelani, should stop day dreaming about Pakistan and Azadi. They have been taking people for a ride for the past 25-years and are responsible for the bloodshed and killings.”
“India is a democratic country that’s why people like Geelani are being tolerated despite their anti-India rant. For similar actions they would have been beheaded in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. It’s is in our civilisational and ethos that we tolerate even lunatic people like Geelani,” he said.
“People like Geelani are political thugs but their thuggery is no more relevant now. Their terrorist masters from whom they draw power and sustenance stand exposed internationally. They are vultures who have thrived on dead bodies. They have led young boys to battle fields and graveyards while their own kith and kin are living luxurious lives. The blood thirst of Geelani and others still seems to have not been quenched. They should spare JK now as they have already sucked enough blood of innocents,” Jehangir added. (PTK)
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