The Kashmir Scenario Bureau
The ongoing trade across Muzaffarabad-Uri between two parts of Kashmir seems to be just official mockery and the traders on both sides of LOC are at receiving end.
Both the countries talk length and breadth about the CBM`s and everytime they assure that the cross LOC trade would be taken to new heights but on ground no such measures are taken in an effective manner.
India and Pakistan continue to lack adequate banking and communications systems and resultantly the Kashmiris are forced to indulge in basic bartering thus reminding the ancient trade practices. This practice of bartering sometimes prove to be a major burden on small-time traders and also the wealthier business people who cannot sustain themselves without being immediately compensated for their exports.
The current trade system which is confined to barter system in which traders have to face lot of problems. Since under this system goods can only be exchanged and there is no cash transaction. The traders here have to choose items mentioned in the list by the officials. Traders complain that they have to compromise lot while choosing an item as often they are forced to choose useless items also. Therefore, traders demand that the number of items in the list must be increased.
Another concern of traders is about the lack of proper communication system. The traders have so far not found any opportunity to do proper market surveys in order to understand as to what is needed on the other side. According to the experts, the Cross-LoC trade is facing immense difficulties due to multiple reasons mainly- visa procedures and lack of proper communication facilities between the two sides. Traders allege that they have to face lot of harassment at the hands of various security agencies whenever they make a telephone call to other side of the LOC. Traders also demand that tourist visa should be given to them so that they can see people and place where they are doing business. The realities of cross LoC trade demand that traders need to be given a free hand in meeting their counterparts on the other side of the LoC and deciding for themselves about the type and magnitude of trade.
According to the traders, Custom department here is the main source of distress. Traders allege that custom department works in illegal manner and they ban items as per their wish list. There is no proper procedure under which items are banned and if Custom Department is asked to provide the list of banned items, they turn deaf and dumb, said sources. Pertinently, according to prescribed rules department has to allow crossing of 50 trucks in a day. But, the sources revealed to Kashmir Scenario that Custom Department allows crossing of more than 50 trucks and demand top-up recharge. This top-up recharge is term used by officials for bribe.
While talking to The Kashmir Scenario, Hilal Ahmad Khan, General Secretary of LoC Trade Association said,” If government does not pay attention towards due demands and takes immediate steps to resolve them we would be left with no option but to go on indefinite strike.”
Cross LoC trade in current mode presents a gloomy picture.

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