SRINAGAR, APRIL 29(KNB): The Divisional Commissioner today said that administration is ready to meet any exigency which arises due to current COVID-19 pandemic.
While addressing a press conference at DIPR Auditorium, he said that SKIMS Soura is the AIIMS of the Valley and is tackling the novel challenges of the Novel Corona virus. He said that the Instutution is playing main role in fighting the pandemic and has treated 150 COVID-19 patients and is conducting 700 to 800 Civid-19 tests daily. The Health Services department is working hard to meet the requirement of N-95 masks and personal protection kits.
“In Srinagar district pregnant women have to reach JLNM Rainawari for COVID-19 sampling. If result comes negative, then she will be admitted at LD hospital and if the test is positive then such patient has to stay at JLNM hospital for treatment and doctors will take all precautionary measures on case to case basis.
In other districts, same procedure will follow for positive cases to be admitted in COVID-19 hospitals and negative cases at non-Covid health institutions. For Red Zones, birth plan of all pregnant women had already been made by concerned ASHA workers in the valley. Samples will be taken from pregnant women for COVID-19 testing on priority and on case to case basis besides concerned ASHA workers will watch the ladies closely,” he added.
Pole assured the journalists that the COVID-19 has not spread in community and the authorities are working dedicatedly on contact tracing, sampling and treatment round the clock.
Besides talk shows are being conducted to ease the mental stress, regarding physical fitness and home remedies to boost immunity and other health advisories for people because 95% population are staying at their homes, he added.
He further said that agriculture activities have already started In rural areas across the valley. Daily 30 to 40 trucks transport apples from cold stores to the outside mandis and till date 12000 metric tonnes have been imported. MGNREGA, PHE, I&FC, Power sector works have also started as per Advisory.
For stranded persons of valley, Pole said that government is working on this issue and proper action will be taken after the issuance of central guidelines.
On the occasion, Director SKIMS informed that institution has conducted 730 COVID-19 tests today, out of which six came positive. Till today 8131 tests have been conducted in which 7072 tested negative and 320 positive, which speaks the volume of tests being conducted in SKIMS. The Institute is the first in the whole J&K UT to start COVID-19 testing.
Principa, GMC, Prof Samia Rashid, informed that 5500 patients were treated in LD, OPD with adequate number of tests while 1000 patients per day visited SMHS, OPD for treatment. CD hospital is dedicated for COVID-19 cases with 120 bed capacity and high end ventilators. Regular 70 to 80 patients visited the super specialty hospital for chemo therapy and other treatments.
Director Health Services, Dr Sameer Mattoo also informed the media regarding preparedness and arrangements in place for the COVID-19 patients.
OSD NHM Owais Ahmad, VC SDA & OSD Vikas Kundal, Nodal Officer Dr Waseem Qureshi, Joint Director Information, Haaris Ahmad Handoo and other concerned officials were present in the Press Confernce.(KNB)

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